Sunday, November 15, 2009

They Also Double as Floatation Devices

Ig Nobel winner, Elena Bodnar, is marketing the fruits of her life's labor in the form of the bra mask. At first glance it looks like an ordinary off the shoulder boulder holder. But when the heavy shit hits and the sky rains macaroni, only those with a bra mask will be spared. See, each bra breaks into two satin cup masks, protecting its owner from... dust I guess? What evs, at least we'll all get one final chuckle at human folly as men and women scamper the streets with delicates on their faces.

I could only find the video as a link, so visit it HERE.

But a quick google search did reveal the amazing video below, hosted by a competing bra mask innovator. I know what you're thinking: "Is the bra mask market be large enough to accommodate TWO entrepreneurs?" Well, at these prices, you can't afford NOT to buy one.

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